Florida’s hospitals are committed to keeping patients safe and providing the highest quality care at the best value. We are dedicated to making the process of maintaining your good health as easy and welcoming as possible.
As you or your family member are preparing for your hospital stay, you’ll have many things to consider, including (1) understanding the costs of your care, (2) which costs your health insurance plan will cover, and (3) what costs will be your responsibility.
Florida hospitals are working together to increase the amount of hospital pricing information available.
As a patient, don’t be afraid to ask questions about your care and make sure you understand your treatment plan*. Carefully follow your caregiver’s instructions prior to your stay, and call your hospital or doctor’s office anytime you have questions or concerns when you return home. Remember, hospital caregivers are there to listen to you and explain the steps of your care in a way that’s easy to understand.
Throughout this website, resources are available to help you better prepare for your hospital stay, understand the steps Florida hospitals are taking to provide the safest possible care, and where you can find more information about hospital costs and quality.
*Hospital billing can be complicated and difficult to understand, even for those with experience in the matter. The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) has created a useful guide to help consumers understand health care prices.